Photos of Hollywood Stars And Their Fans That Are Cringe-Worthy
Think that A-listers look great 24 hours a day, seven days a week? Then reconsider. Hollywood stars are more like us than we think, and sometimes, even the best modeling coaches and stylists can’t stop a cringe-worthy and hilarious photo-op. Luckily, these fans took a picture of the funny moment, so we can always remember it. So keep scrolling to see some of your favorite famous faces in their most everyday glory.
Just before he went to sleep
Most people would be pretty happy to be on a plane with Nicolas Cage. Think about it: how likely is it that he will be sitting next to you on the plane? People always worry about who they will sit next to, so this must have been a nice surprise. But it doesn’t look like Nicolas was very happy about it. He would have rather taken a nap. But that didn’t stop this fan from taking a picture of the two of them. Better a picture of him sleeping than none at all, right? He might have been able to sleep once the selfies stopped.
A very reluctant “yes”
Even famous people have the misfortune of having the occasional bad photo taken of them. Many people might think that Rihanna is an exception and that all of her photos are perfect, but here is proof that this is not the case (although she still manages to look absolutely stunning). RiRi does not seem very happy to be taking this picture. Even though she gives you a thumbs up with her hand, her face says something very different. Maybe she is surprised that the man taking a selfie with Rihanna isn’t even smiling. If you’re lucky enough to get a picture with her, you might as well smile.
It’s just a picture, so don’t worry about it.
At first glance, this photo of Morgan Freeman and one of his fans seems pretty normal. But if you look more closely, you can see the sad thing on the fan’s shirt. Even though sweat stains are hard to avoid and everyone gets them, this is not the best time for them to show up. When the man saw this picture, he must have cringed. After all, who would want to show this to a friend? This is why photoshop was made, and no one would blame this man for editing this picture a little bit.
Display Your Claws to the World
Whoever thought this would be a good way to take their one and only picture with their favourite celebrity probably cringes now when they think about it. Even though Lady Gaga let her hand be made into a claw-like shape, the pose at least makes her look a little scary. Her counterparts can’t say the same because they paired their claws with a cute smile that didn’t really fit the vibe. The two of them need to work on their poses so that everything stays the same. Make sure your facial expressions match the rest of your look if you want to look fierce.
She will always have it on her.
It takes a lot of thought to choose a tattoo, since it will be there for the rest of your life. This fan loved Katy Perry so much that she got a tattoo of Katy from the California Girls music video on her back. When she finally got to meet her idol in person, you can’t blame her for being too excited to show off her tattoo. Katy seems very proud of this real KatyCat, which is what Katy Perry fans are called, and is smiling and posing in a cute way for this photo.
There are times when a hug isn’t enough.
When someone finally gets to meet their favourite celebrity, you never know what they’ll ask for. Some people want an autograph, while others are happy with a selfie. This girl was so excited to meet Justin Bieber that she couldn’t hold it in and insisted on a picture of him carrying her. Even though some people would think even asking for a hug was too much, she asked for this wedding-style pose to make things even more awkward. Even though Justin looks a little awkward (it’s hard to tell what he’s really thinking behind the sunglasses), the girl’s smile shows that she’s just happy.
He didn’t want to take a picture of himself.
Not every famous person is too eager and excited to meet their fans. Sometimes they can’t stand being constantly looked at and asked for photos. Kanye West is the perfect example of a time and a person like that. This group of friends was very excited to take a selfie with Kanye, but he didn’t even crack a smile and looked upset in the picture. Maybe they took the picture at the worst time and didn’t catch Kanye smiling, or maybe he didn’t even know where the camera was. Or, even worse, the fans could have been rude or very annoying before the photo.
Using the chance to get a selfie with a royal
Few people would be brave enough to take a selfie with royalty on the street, especially if that royalty was the queen of England. But this boy doesn’t seem to mind taking a picture to share with the world. He was proud to be there with the queen, so he wanted to take a picture of the moment. He did it! Queen Elizabeth seems a little surprised that someone would try something like this. The woman next to her seems to be laughing, and the man in the suit looks very scared.
Together, Loki and Lady Loki
Tom Hiddleston is known for not being afraid to touch his fans, which this picture shows very clearly. This fan, who was dressed as Lady Loki (without the horns), asked the star for a picture, and he was happy to oblige. He also decided to add his own creative touch. This cute photo is much better than a selfie or an autograph because they both look very happy. It’s nice when famous people show appreciation for their loyal fans, and Tom was nice to take this lovely picture with us. Both of them look really happy, which is a great thing.
How could it be any worse?
When it was his turn to take a picture with Britney Spears, it’s hard to say that the man shouldn’t have been a little nervous. She is, after all, a pretty big pop star. In the picture, he is trying not to stand too close to her by putting his hands together awkwardly in front of him. This shows how uncomfortable he is. The best part is that Britney did exactly what he did. Even though the picture is probably embarrassing for both of them, it is cute because it shows how nervous he was to talk to her and even ask for a picture with her.
How people take selfies
People will go to any lengths to get the perfect selfie with their favourite celebrity. This fan literally bent over backwards to get a picture of herself with Kim Kardashian. In this strange photo, you can see that her neck looks like it hurts. It would be interesting to see if the picture turned out well and if you can even see both of them. Kim Kardashian could see that this woman was willing to go to great lengths to get a picture of them together, so she smiled and waved as she took the picture.
A creative photo with no spoilers
Tom Holland is probably the best at posing with his fans in cute, staged ways. Each picture is different and shows a lot of thought. In this picture, he acts like he’s reading a book about how to avoid spoilers to his fans. He looks like he is thinking hard and trying not to give anything away. It’s both cute and smart, and it also shows who he is. There’s nothing better than when famous people go out of their way to take creative photos with their fans instead of just taking selfies and bunny ears.
He couldn’t give her up.
Every famous person has photos with fans that are awkward or uncomfortable, but this one of Khloe Kardashian and a very close fan may be the worst. He can’t help but grab her from behind, and even though she walks away, he doesn’t look like he’s going to let go any time soon. She doesn’t seem too happy about what’s going on, and she’s mouthing something to get help. He probably didn’t have permission to be this close to Khloe, and it’s even stranger that he thought it was okay to hold on and not let go.
Place your head on my shoulder.
Elijah Wood is a famous person who likes to take strange photos with his fans, but this one might be a little too strange. This picture makes me cringe because he has his head on a fan’s “shoulder” and is looking down at her full breasts in a creepy way. Even though they both look pretty happy, it’s too strange to ignore. The funniest thing about this picture is the sign behind them that says, “No physical contact with our celebrity guests.” It’s clear that people don’t take this rule very seriously.
The Worst Kiss in the World
When people meet famous people, they ask them for all kinds of strange things. Russell Brand is known for giving fans what they want, even if it’s a big request. The comedic actor has kissed fans who have asked for it many times. But this kiss makes us feel even more strange than those did. Russell might have thought it was sweet to give this little fan a kiss on the cheek. His parents might have even asked the celebrity to do that for the picture. But the face of the little boy says, “Help! I don’t like this!”
May every wish you have come true
You might want to be careful about what you ask for. Your wish might just come true, like what happened to this girl. She was wearing a T-shirt that said she wished she was standing next to Andrew Scott. Who would have thought that she would end up standing next to Andrew Scott on the same day, making for the perfect photo? What a lucky day it was to have that shirt on! The look on Andrew’s face as he posed with her for this photo makes it even better. His funny face and the girl’s shy smile make for the cutest and most perfect picture of a fan and a celebrity.
One Close Hug from a Fan
This fan seems to be one of those people who doesn’t understand how important personal space is. When he met Kristen Stewart, who was his favourite celebrity, he decided to give her a big hug. She is seen giving him a very tight hug in return. Even though they smiled a little, it’s hard to believe that this wasn’t awkward for them, since they didn’t know each other. This is a very personal pose to do with someone you have never met before. Kristen, in particular, never liked taking pictures with her fans, so this was a big risk for her.
Someone got a bit too pumped up.
Meeting a celebrity you look up to makes you feel a lot of different things, and sometimes it can be pretty overwhelming. This dedicated fan couldn’t contain his excitement when he finally got to meet the hotel heiress Paris Hilton. He was too excited to pose nicely next to her, so he got a picture of himself with his mouth wide open next to his favorite celebrity. Paris doesn’t seem to notice that the fan next to her is standing in an awkward way, because she is smiling at him. You can see that she is leaning away from him, but her smile shows that she is just as excited as he is.
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